Can glasses aid in the treatment of cataracts?

Can glasses aid in the treatment of cataracts?

Glasses can help improve your vision if you have cataracts, but they do not treat or remove the cataracts themselves. Cataracts cause clouding of the eye's natural lens, which results in blurry or distorted vision. Glasses can compensate for some of the vision changes caused by cataracts, but they won't make the cataracts go away.

Here's how glasses can assist when you have cataracts:

  1. Improved Clarity: Cataracts often cause nearsightedness or farsightedness, so prescription eyeglasses can help correct these refractive errors and provide clearer vision.

  2. Reduced Glare and Sensitivity: Some cataract-related vision problems involve increased sensitivity to glare and difficulty seeing in bright light. Specialized glasses with anti-reflective coatings or tinted lenses may help reduce glare and improve visual comfort.
  1. Magnification: If you have difficulty reading or performing close-up tasks due to cataracts, reading glasses or bifocals may be prescribed to provide magnification and improve your near vision.

However, if cataracts grow, glasses may no longer be sufficient to enhance vision, and surgery may be required. If you're due for an eye exam or believe you have cataracts, contact us to obtain expert care and identify the best course of treatment. We're here to help you see clearly and keep your eyesight safe for years.

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